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A few years ago Simon took a look at PCSX2How to Play Sony PlayStation 2 Games on your PCHow to Play Sony PlayStation 2 Games on your PCWant to play some of the PlayStation 2 classics, but you don't have your PS2 handy? Here's how you can play any PS2 game on your PC!Read More, a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux. Thanks to a couple of years advancement in hardware and a Mac port, your modern day Apple computer is also a suitable candidate for near-perfect emulation of Sony’s fondly remembered second home console.
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This particular tutorial will help you get PCSX2 up and running on a Snow Leopard or Lion Mac computer. Be aware that while a lot of games will be fully playable (some performing at 100% speed at 60fps), others will give you trouble regardless of the computing power at your disposal.

As this is a Mac portHow to Run Windows Programs on Your Mac Using WineBottlerHow to Run Windows Programs on Your Mac Using WineBottlerRead More of the PC version it lags behind the original in terms of version and some features, though it remains the best Mac PS2 emulator around.
Things You’ll Need
The Mac port of PCSX2 requires a few extra bits of software in order to get things running, all of which are free and easily available. Also requires are relevant PlayStation 2 BIOS files, which you’ll need in order to play anything. If you own a PS2 (or bought one and it no longer works, hence emulation) then these are legal to download.
While it is possible to dump your own BIOS, you’ll need to execute custom code on the console in order to do so. This will require your PS2 to be “chipped”, a process which is not legal. We won’t be telling you how to do this or pointing to any BIOS files, we don’t condone or support piracy here at MakeUseOf.
Finally you’ll need some games to play. You can check the current compatibility of PCSX2’s various versions with the PlayStation 2’s catalogue in the official compatibility list or wiki. Don’t forget to add reports for any games you end up trying that aren’t listed in order to help the community out. Certain games require specific settings in order to run, and a quick search on the forum or wiki may help resolve performance issues.
The Mac version of PCSX2 currently only supports games in .ISO (disc image) format, and again you’ll need legal ownership of the games in order to download any copies. If you have a cupboard full of PS2 DVDs then the process to rip your own games is remarkably easy, and perfectly legal for backup purposes.
Install & Setup
The first thing you’ll want to download is the nVidia Cg Toolkit which is required for PCSX2 to run. Once downloaded open the .DMG file then double-click the installer and follow the prompts until the install process completes.
Next head over to the PCSX2 for Mac download page and grab the latest version for your operating system. There are separate versions for Snow Leopard and Lion, as well as some more experimental builds which are more prone to crashing but more advanced in terms of plugin and game support. If you want to play some games without the worry of too many crashes then grab the latest stable version. Once it has downloaded, open the .DMG and drag “pcsx2” into your Applications folder then double click “Libraries.pkg” and follow the prompts to install the libraries.
Once this is done make sure you have your BIOS files handy, and of course a game or two to test.
Playing Games
Launch PCSX2 and a terminal window should launch before an X11 window pops up. First off you’ll want to configure the emulator, so click Config and then Configure. Next you’ll need to specify where you have put your BIOS files by clicking Select Bios Dir and navigating to the correct folder. One thing I’ve noticed in the current version doesn’t like it when your BIOS directory contains spaces, so I had to change “PS2 BIOS” to “PS2BIOS” in order to get it to remember.
You should now be able to choose your BIOS from the drop-down box in the bottom right hand corner. After briefly messing with the graphics settings (by clicking Configure in the Graphics section) I’ve found the settings in the screenshot work best for me on a mid 2012 Retina MacBook Pro, though you’ll naturally want to play around till you’re happy. There are also specific settings for certain games on the right, and these will need to be toggled depending on the title you’re having issues with.
If you have a game controller then you can also configure it in this menu, though you will need to set it up first. You can use an app called Gamepad Companion ($7.99) to configure a range of “PC only” gamepads that work great with emulators like this, though be sure to configure them from this menu before playing.
To launch a game choose File then Run iso image… before locating and selecting the game in question. Clicking Ok will launch the game. You can now enjoy a wealth of PS2 titles on your modern OS X computer. Enjoy!
Do you have any favorite games that work a treat with the Mac version of PCSX2? Any tips for ideal gamepads? Official PS3 and PS2 controllersHow To Use Your PlayStation 2 Devices With Your ComputerHow To Use Your PlayStation 2 Devices With Your ComputerRead More should work in the latest versions of OS X, without the need for a driver but you might still need Gamepad Companion to help map the buttons to the right functions. I’ve personally had trouble with the latest range of MacBooks however, possibly due to differences with Bluetooth technology in the recent models. And don’t forget, there’s plenty you can do to get more out of your Mac gaming experience.
If you’ve got any experiences to share or recommendations to make then be sure to add them in the comments, below.
Image credit: PCSX2 Icon
Explore more about: Emulation, Mac Game, PlayStation.
when i try to run an iso i see the window then it disappears idk whats wrong with it
Can this emulator run in a mid 2012 intel core i5 macbook pro?
whenever i launch the pcsx2 application it works fine until a window pops up that says: 'PCX2 has been installed as a portable application but can not run due to the following errors:
The following folders exist, but are not writable:
/Volumes/PCSX2 0.9.7/pcsx2 0.9.7 Alpha.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/inis
/Volumes/PCSX2 0.9.7/pcsx2 0.9.7 Alpha.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/memcards
/Volumes/PCSX2 0.9.7/pcsx2 0.9.7 Alpha.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/sstates
/Volumes/PCSX2 0.9.7/pcsx2 0.9.7 Alpha.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/snaps
/Volumes/PCSX2 0.9.7/pcsx2 0.9.7 Alpha.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/logs'then at the bottom, it has two options you can click. Switch To User Documents Mode or cancel. Am I doing something wrong?
I'm running a PCSX2 emulator on a Macbook Pro Retina Display laptop and the game, Persona 4 runs perfect. It just has terrible overlapping texture problems. Do you think there's a way to fix this? An example of the texture problem is the bodies are see through , sometimes the backgrounds layers are moved to the top making it hard to see the things under it and walls are see through things like this. I tried looking around but i can't find i solution so far,. Do you know anyway to fix this? Thanks in advance :)
Unfortunately the best I can do is point you to the PCSX wiki entry for the game in question: http://wiki.pcsx2.net/index.php/Shin_Megami_Tensei:_Persona_4
It looks like a lot of people have had success with it, and they have noted their graphics configurations there so maybe have a play around. There is also a note about a serious texture problem.
Emulation is patchy at best, and speaking from experience often the best way to try and fix these pesky bugs is to experiment.
when i run the pcsx2 it works fine and everything but when i run the .iso for the game i wanna play it suddenly closes and says pcsx2 has 'quit unexpectedly' i tried configuring the cpu thingy and the game actually runs just at a verrry slow ffp but its too slow to even play... is there another solution? please help :'(
This wont work for me. i run pcsx2 and it opens terminal and an x11 window called Bash saying i dont have any libraries even though i made sure i had everything.
Why go through all this hoops and install a flawed old version. Installing Windows on Virtual Box, and THEN installing PCSX2 for Windows is easier, faster and way more satisfying.
Please help, when i try and locate the directory of the bios file, it is faded and i cant click on it. What might be causing this?
What are BIOS files?
Mac 10.6.8
Previously tried to run pcsx2 and had some problems. Some sites saying I need CG Toolkit, some saying I needed that & XQuartz. I have both now.
I came across your tutorial and for some reason it's the only one that works. Perhaps I was downloading an incorrect version of pcsx2 (it came in a disc image with a Libraries.pkg & a WXWidgets.pkg, while yours was simply the application installed directly to my applications folder).
I am having some problems though. I can't get the graphics to be smooth, and the menus are 'doubled' or blurry almost. The sound is also a bit behind. It seems as if that last glossy layer of the game is missing or something.
Also, I made it just past the intro of FFX, entered the second screen, and my controls stopped working (I use the keyboard)I also read in the comments that I shouldn't need XQuartz, but when I open pcsx2, it automatically runs as if it's through XQuartz.
Do you have any insight? Could it be a bad ISO? Both my ISO & my PS2 BIOS are from 'legitimate internet businessmen' *cough*
(It had me worried for a while too: before I went into the sound config I wasn't getting any sound. For some reason the default setting was Mute.)
When I launch it I get this error:
Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?
logout[Process completed]
I followed all the steps, can you help me please?
Every time I try to run the Bios (no disk) to test, I get this error. 'GS plugin failed to initialize. Error Code: -1' I downloaded the cG toolkit and am on Lion. Any thoughts?
why cant i select the bios file when im on the bios directory thing? it wont let me selecet the bios file i downloaded.
Cant seem to work my ps3 controller with this are there any free gamepad applications ive tried downloading a ps3 driver tool from tattiebogle.com but nothing works it just quits when i run a game
Try controller mate. My ps3 controller is working fine after I use the configuration.
I'm running Snow Leopard and I can't seem to find libraries.pkg or the NVdia CG Toolkit. I've checked with both finder and spotlight. What happened? Also, I never got a .dmg for PCSX2. I got a .pkg which was the installer. I moved PCSX2 into the applications folder once it installed, but now I can't find libraries.pkg for the next step.
AHHHHHH, help im running mac os x 10.5.8 and this article help me what am i doing wrong!!!
download all the stuff... but when i open pcsx2 SL version.. IT just wouldnt open..!! help me..!!
Nice, I'll be able to play Tekken on my Mac. Thanks!
There goes several hours of my day..
Simply josh and just love it. Surely will give it a try asap.
I got PS3 (the newer one) and loads of PS2 games. Still no way round to use them?
The newer PS3 doesnt have the encoder built in for PS2 games.
Some of the first PS3 had either hardware support and then later software support built in for playing PS2 games.I bought one with the hardware support and it really works fine with playing the older PS2 games - and new PS3 games.
You can find more information of what versions of the PS3 that are able to run PS2 games : just google PS3 and you will find.
Oh my goodness, I really needed this article! :D I was trying to get PCSX2 to work just a few days ago and almost gave up on it. Thank you!
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